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Monday, September 22, 2014

My Pirate Story!

Picture and Book "The Brethren & Pirates of Islas Cuevas"painted and copywritten by Albion Derbyshire 2014
Here is an excerpt of the fictional book (based on true facts of the time) I am writing called "The Brethren & Pirates of Islas Cuevas". I wanted to share parts of the book so you could see what I've been up to! Some chapters were written and re written countless times over the years! 

"In 1664, atop a huge outcropping rock that towered above the waves below, was a cave hidden high above, where our band of orphan brethren lived. We were just a few of the orphans of Islas Cuevas - those survivors of the wars between the buccaneers, pirates and Spanish. We also considered ourselves Brethren of the Coast, along with those others who lived such wild and independent lives in the Caribbean..." Read more here: http://piratealbie.blogspot.com 

Thanks a million for your comments on the introduction! 


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