2am Traffic!

2am Traffic!
I get paid for sharing popular videos and really cool content! Now you can too - click on the banner to see how!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Make Money Sharing What You Love!

•Send 75,000 emails for FREE just for creating free account! 

•Make RESIDUAL INCOME Sharing Cool Content or Videos that you LIKE! 

I Make Money Blogging with 2AM Traffic!

 "It was very difficult to fix out on the dark sea. 

Time after time I failed getting the sailboat shroud secured. 

It was a very tight fit and hard to do when the boat was moving and tilted on its side from the power of the wind in the sails. 

Holding the flashlight with my teeth, it was hard to focus the light on the right area.

 I was beginning to feel desperate. 

What would happen if I couldn’t do it? The mast would almost certainly fall. I almost felt like crying. The stress was unbelievable..."

Read the full story at 



PS: Lets Work TOGETHER! Come Join my Team at GDI


Friday, December 19, 2014

Make Residual Income Blogging!

I'm not sure if you like Sailing or Hiking but those are my favorite things to do besides hanging out with my family.

I also love to share with others what interests me and making RESIDUAL INCOME sharing your interests is the best!

If you would like to share with others what you like and make money doing that too then you have to see this - you'll be glad you did!

PLUS: Send 75000 Emails for FREE (to the opportunity of your choice) - just for getting a free account!!!

Click Here for Details: ---> http://10k-for.me/76c


PS: If you like Sailing too, come visit my sailing blog and send me a message! 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Step One: FOCUS

Building Your List Builds TRUST

The First Step of Making Money Online is Learning How to FOCUS.

For the longest time I thought I could build my list by only advertising my Affiliate Link.

 It sounds logical - until one day I tried a Onyalist capture page and realized what I had been missing.

Now I am building my List AND all my Affiliate PROGRAM Lists at the same time! 

Focus On STEP ONE: building your list.

If you use an autoresponder or you have ever done any list building you will know that not everyone who signs up at your capture page actually makes it on your list.

At OnyaList we solved that problem.

Never Lose A Lead Again - OnyaList Rocks!


Monday, December 8, 2014

Gods Got Your Back...

Ever feel like the world is conspiring against you? I felt like this over the weekend. And there was little I could do about it. I tried thinking of every angle of how to change my circumstances but there was nothing. Just about when I realized that I could start getting bitter and angry, that whisper from God in my heart said to me. "don't get bitter and don't worry. God has your back." And somehow I knew it was true. I would get through it. So now was the moment for me to trust and listen or go off on my own and manipulate my own path. I had already made up my mind. I was going to listen to God. And God did have my back. I'm writing this in hindsight looking back on the day after.

Thanks for your comments!


Want to make RESIDUAL Income Sharing What You Love?


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

More Work Than I Can Handle

Ever get more work than you think you can handle? Well that's been my situation at work for the last month. It's very stressful and lessens the enjoyment of my work.

 However, I've been talking to God in  my heart about it and telling my boss how I've felt and things have been slowly changing. We now have two new back up drivers to take some of the extra load off of us as the work load increases. 

For the last couple months Amazon.com has been increasing the percentage of packages that they give us so Ontrac has been having to slowly change with the increase.

Yesterday I had 156 packages and was going to give away 40 to the extra driver but then the driver next to me had a flat tire on the freeway and the back ups had to take the load from them. So needless to say I got stuck with the load. But on the bright side I was still able to give away 20 packages and lightened my load to 144 for the day! 

Thanks for your comments!

If you like this content, be sure to share it and subscribe.



🚣 Want to go SAILING?  Try Boat Bookings.com  http://www.boatbookings.com/index.php?bbr=vx7mn1rbw49d1320

🚣 TRAVELING? Check the Price with Expedia through Albie's Travel: http://www.travelnow.com/templates/469520

🚣 SHOPPING? Find 1000's of INEXPENSIVE products at our Triple Clicks Store and Auction: http://www.tripleclicks.com/TConnectMbr.php?sfiid=11767125

Monday, September 29, 2014

I did 20 Deliveries Per Hour for Eight Hours!

Yesterday I accomplished my goal of delivering 20 packages per hour for eight hours straight! Just to let you know, my average is about 15 or 16 an hour. But for the last month my first hour average gas been going from 19 to 25. My average of delivering packages with Ontrac has been growing faster! Now I don't consider myself to be really fast as compared to some. Nevertheless, check out the full article these are a few rules I've learned from my mentor and work colleague Jake:

1) Learn your route and area really well. When you're first starting map out your area with a big map or use an app on your phone or gps. Learning your route REALLY well can take a while. It can take a week or two just to remember all the streets by heart and months to figure out the little tricks and side streets for the fastest way from stop to stop and years to perfect

2) Organize your packages in your cargo van by area - putting your last to deliver packages at the back and the first ones by the doors so you can reach and find them easily..

3) Take the fastest route possible between stops and try not to backtrack. Backtracking can kill your time!

4) Start early in your day. The earlier the better. The earlier the less traffic you will most likely have to deal with and also the cooler it will be to work. The sooner you start means the sooner you will finish!

5) If you are going to have to pass by an area twice, don't worry about delivering all the packages there, You will be back so finish them when you return. Still, do as many as you can without losing momentum.

6) Deluver and move on. Never stop moving. Figure out how to do what you need to write down or enter in your scanner while you are walking

7) Whenever you can run, run!

I hope this helps! Good luck!

Thanks for your comments!


🚣 Want to go SAILING?  Try Boat Bookings.com

🚣 TRAVELING? Check the Price with Expedia through Albie's Travel: http://www.travelnow.com/templates/469520

🚣 SHOPPING? Find 1000's of INEXPENSIVE products at our Triple Clicks Store n Auction: http://www.tripleclicks.com/TConnectMbr.php?sfiid=11767125

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Sailing Ketch on the Open Ocean!

A Ketch on the Open Ocean. Picture Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire 2014

Down at my dock in San Pedro there's this beautiful boat called a ketch (having two masts) that I love  to look at. When I'm on my kayak I sometimes take pictures of it as I go past. Lady week I took a picture of it and then this Sunday I drew a picture of it and put it out in the open ocean! Hope you like it! If you wan to see more of my sailing art just go to http://albiesart.blogapot.com 

Thanks for your comments!



🚣 Want to go SAILING?  Try Boat Bookings.com  http://www.boatbookings.com/index.php?bbr=vx7mn1rbw49d1320

🚣 TRAVELING? Check the Price with Expedia through Albie's Travel: http://www.travelnow.com/templates/469520

🚣 SHOPPING? Find 1000's of INEXPENSIVE products at our Triple Clicks Store n Auction: http://www.tripleclicks.com/TConnectMbr.php?sfiid=11767125

Monday, September 22, 2014

My Pirate Story!

Picture and Book "The Brethren & Pirates of Islas Cuevas"painted and copywritten by Albion Derbyshire 2014
Here is an excerpt of the fictional book (based on true facts of the time) I am writing called "The Brethren & Pirates of Islas Cuevas". I wanted to share parts of the book so you could see what I've been up to! Some chapters were written and re written countless times over the years! 

"In 1664, atop a huge outcropping rock that towered above the waves below, was a cave hidden high above, where our band of orphan brethren lived. We were just a few of the orphans of Islas Cuevas - those survivors of the wars between the buccaneers, pirates and Spanish. We also considered ourselves Brethren of the Coast, along with those others who lived such wild and independent lives in the Caribbean..." Read more here: http://piratealbie.blogspot.com 

Thanks a million for your comments on the introduction! 


🚣 Want to go SAILING?  Try Boat Bookings.com  http://www.boatbookings.com/index.php?bbr=vx7mn1rbw49d1320

🚣 TRAVELING? Check the Price with Expedia through 'Albie's Travel': http://www.travelnow.com/templates/469520

🚣 SHOPPING? Find 1000's of INEXPENSIVE products at our Triple Clicks Store n AUCTION: http://www.tripleclicks.com/TConnectMbr.php?sfiid=11767125


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I Became a Travel Agent Through Expedia Affiliate Network!

Click on pic to see

One Sunday afternoon my wife and I were talking about how cool it would be to travel and then write about the places that we went to and make income by doing that. It's an idea we've talked about before but it seemed at the time like something you talk about and only wish for. This time though, I realized how I've been slowly putting the pieces together over the years to bring this about. I decided to see if I couldn't connect just one more piece. My curiosity drive me to see if there was an affiliate travel agency program we could be a part of. Going online I found a few programs and they seemed interesting but when I saw the Expedia affiliate Network (EAN) I immediately jumped on it! Within fifteen minutes I had become an official travel agent! Now I would just have to earn that  with real work and effort.

 Today as I write this, and after viewing all the details I'm going to have to fill in and learn (such as connecting all the affiliate feeds and codes to my website), I saw that this was not going to be something overnight. In reality it will probably take me a year to get a real handle on it! But everything of value takes time.

Thank for your comments!


Saturday, September 6, 2014

I Have My Own Store!

Click on Pic! 

I have my own store! With 27 catagories from Books to Jewelry, Computers, Electronics and Health; I just can't believe how many things you can buy! Come check it out!


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sailing Out on the Dark Ocean...

It's a really beautiful night out here at sea. Their are a billion and one stars out and the waves are only a couple feet high. The wind is coming from the west and I'm sailing to the south west on a close reach. The sails are pulling the boat through the waves at a good clip and it's fun to watch them pass me by! My kerosine lantern is on next to me in the cockpit. A couple ships passed me by and a couple fishing boats. It was nice eating dinner out on the waves. Canned chicken and canned pears. I guess it doesn't sound amazing but it made me happy lol!

Thanks for your comments! To read more sailing adventures and videos check out my sailing blog: http://SailingWithAlbie.blogspot.com


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Job Posting/ Business Op

I added a business opportunity post today in the Job Post/Bus Op for 2am Traffic. I think it's awesome to be able to share with others what I really enjoy (family, sailing, hiking etc...) and be able to make extra income doing just that! Here's the link in case you want to check it out!

---->.  http://albiesjobpost.blogspot.com


Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Minute Error/Impatience = $95 + 3 Hours Lost

So what exactly does this mean: 'A Minute Error/Impatience = $95 + 3 Hours Lost',  well, I'll tell you! Yesterday, another car in front of me was pulling up to the traffic light ahead of me and instead of giving me just a little extra room to pass by him in the right turning lane, he hogged both lanes. So because I drive and deliver packages for a living, and get paid by how many I deliver per hour  - I was naturally irritated with what he did. I instantly thought of what I could do to get around him but nothing came to mind - except suddenly the thought that I could go up the curb a little and get around him that way! Lol! Well that's what I did but it wasn't very funny since I didn't see a sharp object sticking out of the curb that instantly slashed my tire two inches across as I made my way up and around the car and into the turning lane. Wooosh! Oh no! I had heard that ugly sound before! So as I pulled my injured moving van into a metered parking spot on the side if the road, I saw what a big mistake I had made. I had turned one minute of impatience into hours of work taking off the tire, going to get a new one, waiting for a toe truck to help me out on the new tire and wasting my time and three other colleagues time too. Wow! You would think that somewhere I had learned that lesson before! 

Thanks for your comments!


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ever Late to Work?

I can't stand being late to work! But it sometimes happens. So there's a quote I was reading as I was heading down the elevator:

"You have to learn to laugh at your problems. Tears of self pity and sorrow never release faith. I simply did what the Spirit of God told me to do."

Ok, so that sounds easy - except when you have to pay the consequences of being late. Lol!
It's then that you either fall apart or have faith that God will help you. For me it's been a little bit of both, but I'm trusting this morning! The funny thing is that many times at the end of the day I look back and see how God turned things around because I trusted him and didn't let it effect my attitude.

Thanks for your comments on 'Being late to work'


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Worry vs Faith

Yesterday my boss told me we were going to be 'hit' by an influx of 40 more packages per route. For me that would mean so much work I would be working all day and evening with hardly a break at all. When I hear this kind of news I instantly begin to worry. But that's not what God wants us to do. Gods words to me are "don't worry about tomorrow..." and "...seek Gods kingdom and all these things will be given to you as well." and "...the peace of God, which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds." (Paraphrased verses from the Bible). So heart - listen up!

Thanks for your comments! To read more about what God had done for me check out http://godsbeautifulname.blogspot.com

http://SailingWithAlbie.blogspot. com

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Transmission Failure

Yesterday my transmission broke on my white Ford van that I drive for work. God worked it out for me to be able to only have to spend half the price on a rental van and half the price to fix the transmission and with payments that can be paid over the next two months instead of all at once! It was a huge fear for me but God made it possible without losing my job or going broke!
Read the whole story here: "A Level 8 Fear - How God Got Me Through It!"  http://2amtraffic.com/index.php?r=1albie

Thanks for your comments!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My MCA Blog

MCA pic from Free and Powerful website. Click on pic for MCA website: http://10k-for.me/1sf

Today I edited my MCA blog and put a new ad for it also on Craigslist. I've been a part of MCA now for over a year and have found that they are a good company - one I am proud to be a part of.  As you can see from the picture, they are like having Legal Shield (Pre-Paid Legal), LifeLock and Aflac combined. And their is Roadside Assistance too. I even have Roadside Assistance with my State Farm Car insurance - but it's not 100 miles! I also love three more things about it: (One) that they have a back up medical insurance too, (Two) that they have been around for many years and are rated A- with the Better Business Borough and (Three) that you can make $80 from a single sign up when someone joins! It's definitely worth checking out. You can see my MCA blog here: http://albiesmca.blogspot.com

Thanks for your comments on My MCA Blog!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Started a New Blog with 2am Traffic!

Just started a new blog and a new business opportunity with 2amTraffic. Here's a snippet of my first blog entry:

 This Blog is SO Cool!

By  on August 12, 2014 / Posted in: Internet Marketing,Uncategorized
  I love what I’m able to do with this blog! I just joined 2am traffic yesterday and really connected with what they were doing. I really like the attitude of the owner and his knowledge of internet marketing seems extensive. They give so many lessons on what and what not to do that it ..."

The reason I started a blog with 2am Traffic is because they have so much knowledge of blogs and creation additional income that I want to learn all I can from them. My goal is to be able to travel with my family and still have a good source of income as well. Wish me well and if you are interested to see the blog or find out more, you can visit it here:


Thanks for your comments on 'Started a New Blog with 2am Traffic!'


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Catalina Gale Blog...

Sailing Pics: http://albiesailingpictures.blogspot.com

About a year ago I finished writing about the big storm me and my friends got into sailing back from Catalina Island in 2009. For ten hours we experienced 20 foot waves and 40 MPH winds and almost didn't come out of it alive.

If it wasn't for some significant details, we truly wouldn't have. Anyway I originally put together the whole story on my SailingWithAlbie blog but I wanted the story to be in order and all in one place where you could easily find the next article - thus the http://CatalinaGale.blogspot.com blog. Its an amazing story and hope you get a chance to see how God brought us through it safely!

Thanks for your comments!

Albie Derbyshire

Monday, August 4, 2014

Online Strategy

Today I have come up with an online business strategy to make income for my family with AlbiesOnlineJobs. It revolves around me and my families interests but primarily around my love of the sea and sailing and my sailing blog (http://SailingWithAlbie.blogspot.com)

It is a 16 point plan that involves advertising (primarily my sailing blog) but seven or eight different business that can be effectively advertised alongside. It has taken me twenty years learning business for this plan to come about. But I'm giving it a three month trial to see if it will work! If it does have good results I will post my findings in http://AlbiesOnlineIncome.blogspot.com In the end it is not just to help me and my family but others as well. Many of the business have 0 investment costs except for your personal time and it is my hope that those who perhaps don't have a lot if money and are looking to break free of financial ties will be able to.

Thanks for your comments!

Albie Derbyshire

Saturday, August 2, 2014


You know I can't tell you how many times my wife or I have gone through hard times, or even lost our job and felt thrown on trusting God to show us what we were to do next and where we were going to live. The temptation to worry and to not trust God is very strong. But each time God has come through for us and has done so again - just recently! All the 'doors' seemed 'closed' but at the right time God opened the way for us to go. I have only thankfulness for my Awesome God.

There's a verse that says basically that unless you have faith like a little child you will not enter Gods Kingdom. When we were a little kid we didn't understand how everything worked but could only trust that our parents loved us and were helping and watching out for us. That's how God wants us to trust him!

-Thanks for your comments on 'Trust'!

Albie Derbyshire

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How Legal Shield has effected my life

Call Albie at 626-379-5692 or Cick this link for additional info: http://www.awd.legalshield.com
In 2004 I was a busy elementary school teacher looking for a way to make some extra income.

By chance I was talking with a parent about it and they mentioned Legal Shield. After school I looked at the brochure and thought it sounded interesting. I then called the person on the business card the parent had given me and a friendly rep named Bryan came over to our house to see us.

Well long story made short, I saw value in having the membership and signed up for it immediately that night. As it turns out my wife and I have continued to use the membership since that time and still have it today! 

We realized that having an attorney to represent us and write letters for us and make phone calls on our behalf was just amazing - and all that for just a small monthly fee!

That first year an attorney wrote a letter to our cell phone company which gave us close to a hundred dollar refund. 

These are just a couple stories but needless to say we have used the service in many many ways such as having attorneys review contracts for us, give us tips on our financial decisions, advice about our mortgage and help us with threatening coworkers.

But when we first got the membership we didn't realize how much we would use it. Also, I was not exactly sure if I wanted to be a rep myself as the cost to be an associate was more than the extra money we had at the time.

But about a month later Bryan called me again and said the cost to join had gone down temporarily and would I like to join. I said yes this time and soon found my associate business pack in the mail. I was a little confused as where to start so I called Bryan again and he said they were going to have a meeting soon to go over it. 

I came over and ever since that night my life changed in many dramatic ways. I made about $500 dollars my first month and made 10x what I invested in the program. I also learned an important advertising strategy that brought me hundreds of potential clients - none of which were my friends or family.

Nevertheless, even though I had a rosy beginning, I was to learn some very important lessons that took years to learn. The first being that nothing worthwhile comes easily without pain and hard work. The next few years I earned a lot of money with the company but also spent a lot in my eagerness to be successful. I think I wanted it too badly because the harder I tried the further success flew from me. I think people could see I was trying too hard!

The second lesson was learned after five years working the business in my spare time. One of the things the business teaches you is to spend time every day expanding your mind learning from people who have been successful. And from this I learned from Donald Trump that if you want to be really successful in something you have to really love it and it truly has to be part of who you are. I slowly began to realize that over the last five years I was not putting energy into things I truly was passionate about.

This was a turning point and I began to decrease my energy in business and increase my focus on sailing - a dream and passion that is at my core. This led to my next lesson. That of balance. For four years I poured energy into getting my Captains license and obtaining my Sea Time.

But then I saw how God was more interested in who I was rather than in what I achieved.

I recognized a part of me that liked business - even though not as intense as my love of the ocean. I also saw how important it was to build residual income as opposed to having all your income come directly from your daily efforts. The question I asked myself was: 'What would happen when you are older and don't have as much strength as you used to?'

After the last few years of receiving hundreds of dollars in passive income from Legal Shield for memberships I had sold years ago ... I saw how valuable my Legal Shield business was. And along with the fact that I totally believe in the Legal Shield membership, the financial aspect of it is another reason why I am back once more sharing how important this is with others. Its a great business opportunity - and this time, for me, I'm doing this with more maturity, understanding and balance of my true passions in life: My friend in God, my wonderful family, my love of the sea and being in nature and my pursuits in business.

If you would like to learn more about Legal Shield and the Membership and/or the business opportunity, please visit my associate website: http://www.awd.legalshield.com

Legal Shield Associate Albion Derbyshire


PS: Feel free to share your comments with me!